1.the officially recorded number of births in a particular year or place
1.With one of the world's lowest birth rates, Taiwan faces the prospect of a rapidly aging population without a young workforce to support it.
2.One is the sheer size of that particular group. As birth rates have come down, subsequent generations have turned out to be a lot smaller.
3.He said experts would typically expect to see live birth rates of around 15 per cent in a group of 40-year-old women.
4.Rich countries are at the beginning of a demographic crisis, with birth rates starting to fall below replacement levels.
5.I had much earlier used economic theory to try to understand birth rates and family size.
6.On a larger scale, during the 1990s there was a dramatic decline in teenage birth rates in the US, especially among African Americans.
7.A bulge of better-educated young people of working age is entering the job market and birth rates are beginning to decline.
8.Milan is a fast-ageing city in the country with one of the lowest birth rates in Europe.
9.Instead, China's population challenges have shifted to low birth rates, an aging society and a widening gender imbalance.
10.Yet today's Italy has one of the world's lowest birth rates, thanks to near-universal defiance of Vatican teaching on contraception.